Saturday, November 23, 2019

No hope!?
Oh dear
Why did you take me here
You could have left me faar behind
You could still have done faar better

You carried me in your wings
Didnt burst the bubble
as i was in the bliss we made
None of my words cme with an expiry

Comeon leave everything.
You don't put people you love in such situations.

Oh dear if i too lose hope and move
Please don't consider my love unfaithful
I had no choice either to wait for you or,
Carryon with my life responsibilty

No dear i tried doing both and i failed.
Nobody cared or may be you didn't care.
Now i cant do that.

Even in this condition you are in a better position than me.

I wish the love doesn't turn the other way.
I can't say hate. Never i can.
But this is not love my dear.

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